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The Discord Resources Wiki Website

· 2 min de lectura


A lot of things changed the last few days, and today we are super excited to introduce...

The Discord Resources Wiki Website!

The website is synced and managed through the Wiki GitHub, meaning that any changes made on GitHub will automatically update the website! Due to the awesome release of the new website, the GitHub native Wiki will be closed down. The link to the website will be in the repo's readme, so you can still refer people to the repo without any problem whatsoever! The repo still exists, and all stars and shares are appreciated.

Future commits will require a different markdown character for the line break. We previously used \ though you must now use <br/>. There is also the possibility for other markdown inconsistencies between systems (GitHub and Docusaurus). We will be sure to keep you updated on any we find. The website has links to this Discord server and the GitHub repository in the top right corner, you can also append /github or /discord onto the website URL to access the GitHub repository or discord server!

We are looking forward to hearing all of your feedback regarding the new website! Keep in mind, this is still WIP and we're constantly looking and working on improving the site from workflow to branding.

Thank you everyone for the support!